Dental Implants

Dental Implants

If you’ve lost one or several permanent teeth, dental implants can reduce the risk of other complications and restore your smile to its near-original condition. At Carnegie Dental Wellness in Midtown West Manhattan, general and cosmetic dentist Constantina Bacopoulou, DDS, and the team regularly place and restore several types of dental implants. To make an appointment at the practice in New York City, call the office today or schedule online.

Dental implants are screw-like posts made of titanium. Dr. Bacopoulou inserts them into your jaw during an outpatient procedure, and they integrate with your natural bone structure over time.


Once the integration process is complete, your implants provide a base for a dental restoration, like a crown, a bridge, or implant-supported dentures.


Dental implants are tough and long-lasting. If you brush twice daily and visit the team at Carnegie Dental Wellness at least once every six months, they often last a lifetime.


What are the benefits of dental implants?


Dental implants provide many benefits, including:

  • Convenience
  • Durability
  • Improved speech
  • Easier biting and chewing
  • Confidence

Dental implants can also protect the health of your remaining teeth and gums. By restoring your smile with implants, you reduce the risk of issues like gum disease, gum recession, and loose teeth.


Are there different types of dental implants?


Dr. Bacopoulou and the team offer several types of dental implants, including:


Single-tooth implants


A single-tooth implant replaces only one of your teeth. Dr. Bacopoulou and the team have a computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system on-site. That allows them to restore single-tooth implants in just one appointment.


Implant-supported bridge


If you’re missing two or more teeth in a row, the team might recommend an implant-supported bridge. Bridges are typically supported by two dental implants. Once bonded in place, the bridge restores your oral health as well as your biting and chewing abilities.


Implant-supported dentures


If you’re missing most or all of your teeth, consider implant-supported dentures. Implant-supported dentures attach to dental implants, so you don’t have to worry about them shifting or irritating your gum tissue.


All-On-4® implants


All-On-4 dental implants replace all of the teeth in your upper or lower jaw. They’re different from implant-supported dentures in that they only require four dental implants. That results in fewer complications, quicker recovery times, and improved patient outcomes.


How do you protect dental implants from damage?


To protect your dental implants from damage, it’s important to take good care of them. Dr. Bacopoulou and the team recommend brushing your teeth twice daily, avoiding bad habits like opening packaging with your teeth, and protecting your implants with a mouthguard if you play contact sports.


To see if you’re a candidate for dental implants, make an appointment at Carnegie Dental Wellness by calling the office today or scheduling online.

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